Microblading for Men

As men age, brow hairs become sparse and less dense. Semi-permanent tattooing is the best way to bring back the most important features on a man's face. It's not makeup... it's a semi permanent tattoo! Microblading a great option for today's modern man. Do you have a scar across your brow, missing hair, or want to look younger? A few strokes from the microblade can correct that irregularity and give you your manliness back!
In addition, semi-permanent microblading will give you your brows back if you suffer from alopecia. Guys, you'll feel right at home in Kate's relaxing, private microblade studio. The eyebrow tattoo is nothing like a traditional body tattoo as it is done with a handheld non-motorized tool, and it is virtually painless. In only 60 minutes you'll achieve incredible results that are undetectable to the naked eye, but will give you tremendous self-confidence! Get your look back.